Applicable only to exams outside student's plan!
The following steps are required to enroll for the exams:
- log-in to the website and click "Esami -> Appelli"
- log-in to the website and click "Esami -> Appelli"
- if the exam is not present in the list of available exams (the "libretto"), at the bottom of the page search for: "Per la prenotazione agli appelli di insegnamenti non previsti nel proprio libretto accedere alla sezione ricerca appelli "
- click on the link "ricerca appelli", then write the full name of the course, or part of the name, in "Attività didattica", and finally click "Cerca"
- then a table should appear, with the icon of a magnifier, and the name of the course. Clickling on the magnifier, it should be possible to see the exams schedule for the course.
- given the list of exams for the course, the icon of an open book should appear if it is possible to enroll to the exam. Otherwise, a crossed circle will be displayed.
- if the open book is displayed, it is sufficient to click on the icon to add the exam to the list of available exams (the "libretto"). At this point, it is possible to enroll to the exam.